About the Author

Welcome and merry meet! My name is Kate Goth. I’ve been practicing my craft since the age of 8. It runs through every aspect of my life holistically. I’m fortunate enough to live in the achingly beautiful, Devon countryside. I started this blog as way to share my own experiences with witchcraft, how I use it throughout my day-to-day comings and goings, and also to support other people seeking that voice and connection; a place where witches and ‘canny folk’ can share their craft, inspire, and inform each other.

photo credit: emmastonerphotography

So, starting from the beginning, my interest in witches and witchcraft began when I was 8 and my mother telling me about the Lancashire witch trials and the ‘Pendle Witches’ (one of whom I am indirectly related to). Thus began my study.

I then discovered and began exploring techniques of magic, starting with palmistry, colour and candle magic. I absorbed everything I could find in terms of books in my formative years and soaked up wisdom from elders I met along the way. As an adult I use many forms of practice, which I am excited to share here.

One intention in creating this blog is to use my voice in enlightening others to modern witchcraft and what that means to me; how I use it to enrich my life and that of my loved ones.

As you get to know me, you will come to learn how ritual and my craft have helped me break cycles and patterns, supported me in my darkest times, step into my power and brought me to where I am today (at peace and following where I am lead). I intend to share that wisdom with others and help them find their own tasty flavour of witchcraft and do the same. And on and on it goes so they can do the same. We lost our connection to a lot of these traditions and teachings. I want to share what I have learnt so they can return. In witchcraft there is saying: ‘me, we, us’. We are here to heal ourselves and follow our unique paths (me), in doing so we support those around us to do the same (we), this ripples out and that is how you change the world (us).

This is a space to share spells/recipes/thoughts and converse with other like minded people. The more I use online platforms to connect with others like myself, the more I feel called to share my experiences and knowledge so it may be of service to others. Whether it be to share a useful book, advise on spellcraft and herblore or simply convey a positive image of the modern witch without all the hocus pocus and stereotypes.

I love writing about my human experience, emotions and connections. This often leads to big rants about life, the ups-and-downs of living it and how I feel about behaviour and emotions. I do have aims and ambitions which have evolved as I have over the years. These are not to be taken too seriously. If it resonates with you, awesome. If not, that’s great too. These theories and ramblings are intended to promote thought, possibly growth, but not gospel by any means.

Anyway, this is me, my life, my passion and ever expanding knowledge of what it is to be a witch in this modern age. I hope you enjoy having a poke around. please feel free to get in touch if there is something specific I can help you with. Add me on your socials, tell your friends, share the knowledge and the love.

*I’m a one witch show. If you want to show your support for my work and make a donation hit the button below or subscribe to receive premium content directly to your inbox. Any and all support is gratefully received*