42 update: Embracing full Hedgewitch Status and Going Off Grid

Hello Darlings, This post is going to be part life update, part call to action. The death of Capitalism has come for my millennial arse in a very predictable way. My Landlady is selling the ‘house of all things’. No Shade to her. Having such a great relationship with her all these years has been a real gift. From the beginning we agreed to treat each other as humans not just tenant and landlady and it is something I am very grateful for even now, especially now. Sadly, with the wolves at her door also, this was her best option and that shit rolls downhill.

Legs outstretched with a tortoiseshell cat laid on them in front of a blue house and weedy garden.

The news landing did rattle me at first. For context, I grew up in the RAF being ‘posted’ to various bases in the UK and abroad. I’ve never had consistency or felt truly safe until now. So even though I feel positive and excited I also have to hold space for being triggered. I have lived in rented accommodation my whole adult life, never having the opportunity to save. I always knew buying a house wasn’t in my future. I moved into this house 6 years ago as renting my own place was becoming too expensive despite working 6 day weeks. And I wanted a life beyond that. This is the longest I have ever been in one property. It’s been nice to feel safe and at home somewhere for so long and that can’t be taken away from me.

We’ve had a few ups and downs with maintenance, leaky roofs, Covid, Toxic masculinity, clashes between housemates and drug addicts falling down the stairs. But the intention has always been to have a sanctuary. For people to use it as a leaping off point. The energy of the house really speaks to that especially as for the last couple of years I have been able to use the garden space to hold circles and groups and offer seasonal celebration for community. During Covid we used the front garden as a pub (the lumpy Dog), our Neighbours came and sat socially distanced. My ex had outdoor DnD sessions, we put a stall outside and sold books and nik-naks in exchange for donations to put towards cider. It has been the heart of my life and a small community for atleast 4 years. We have agreed to make this transition with love and be as kind and gentle with each other as possible. To honour the house and the energy she holds as best we can.

a fire burning in a round firebowl, behind it a bench and lush green plants.

It’s going to be one hell of a journey, I see a fair amount of ugly crying in my future even if it all goes swimmingly.

So, what’s my plan? I’ve been talking about going off grid for years now. Making a living from my living and having the balance tip from private childcare to my witch work, writing more here, offering more events, workshops and teaching. Making and selling more charms, spells and recipes. how exciting!

I thought I had a couple of years to get this off the ground, turns out it’s a couple of months. So, I must follow where I am lead. I put a post up about surrendering to the wisdom of the universe in the same way I can to a well matched dom. (have you heard of existential kink and ecokink?) I feel like I have been yeeted by the universe and I trust that it will catch me. Renting somewhere else isn’t really an option, a double room in a house that doesn’t allow pets is £700 a month in totnes.

Van life would be an option further down the line, but at the moment I have 3 furry dependants. I have a few places I can go to hold me over until then. As long as the furbabies have a safe place I can use as a base, I can sofa surf, sleep in my car ( she’ll need some mods) and save for a more permanent solution. To be honest I’m not even capable of thinking that far ahead, at the moment my current mission is:

  • Clear everything out of the house of all things, sell as much as I can, be prepared for me to offer you random shit, (wedding ring anyone?).
  • Get as much money under me as I can to find something to live in.
  • Be gentle with myself, my traumatised inner child and not let panic overwhelm me.
  • Help with the house repairs and getting her on the market.
  • Be open minded to what I’m capable of, trust the universe and let the plan reveal itself.
  • Shadow work. Always.
  • Stay grateful.
  • Start an Onlyfans (why the fuck not)

So far i’m pretty pleased with how it’s going. I can see how much I’ve grown these last couple of years. I have a vague idea of the next couple of steps forming. Past Kate would still be crying until she was sick and using alcohol to maladapt. I have an army of people who love and support me. A big part of what I have to learn at the moment is how to receive that (ew), this has not been a strong part of me. I have the hyper-independence wound so this will be fun (she says sarcastically), baptism of fire right?

Which brings me to the call to action bit. I have a fair size following on social media. If everyone who follows me there gave me £1 (socialism baby) I could finance this transition into something incredible maybe buy a yurt, van or tiny dwelling to put on some land close to Totnes. There is a button on the side of this page where you can make a donation, I’ll also put one at the bottom. I have a back catalogue of premium content you can access here by subscribing. The magical correspondence list alone is well worth the £3.50 subscription fee.

I would love to be doing more with this website anyway. At the moment I juggle it around my paid work commitments (wrangling feral children and supporting families). I’d love to have the time to put more of my spells and rituals up on here. Also I want to share more about my personal journeys (like this very juicy one) through polyamory, exploring my sexuality, sex magic, healing and expanding. All of this I intend to be doing. So if you want to donate and then have ideas for what you’d like to see more of you can email me kate@thewitchwench.com. I also offer peer support sessions online where you can pick my brain and I can help you on your own path. Again, email me for enquiries.

If you’re local, you can sign up for any of the work I do up at Blackberry Barn like my intro to witchcraft workshop and our forest school for grown ups as I will be keeping these going.

Soooo, yeah, with a bit of help, this could be one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. If you can make a donation. please help. Don’t forget the button on the right side there too!

*I’m a one witch show. If you want to show your support for my work and make a donation hit the button below or subscribe to receive premium content directly to your inbox. Any and all support is gratefully received*

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